2012 Archive

There are still a few spaces available in our toddler and preschool programs for September 2012. Please e-mail director@adnschool.com for more information and to register your child.

Our orientation will take place this Thursday and Friday, September 6th and 7th from 9 to 11am. Please join your child and drop in to meet their teacher and enjoy their new space!

We have some spaces available in our Toddler Program (ages 18 to 30 months) and our Preschool Program (2.5 to 5 years) for September 2012. Please visit our register section for more information.

We can be reached by email at: director@adnschool.com or at 613-549-8427

After the busy past few months with school field trips, Audrey's retirement party, and Graduation, we reflect on another successful school year at Allen-Detweiler. Many friendships were made, and lots of experiential learning took place. Thanks to our teachers and parents who work together to make this school great!

Have a great summer everybody, and we will see you in September!

We will be hosting two Open Houses on Thursday, April 12 and Wednesday, April 18 from 1:30 - 3:00pm. Parents and children are welcome to come and visit our play-based Preschool and Toddler programs.

A girl dancing